Bring your passion to AJOU and

Ajou University in Tashkent

Welcome to Ajou University in Tashkent—
a place where your education and comfort are our top priorities!
Discover a world without borders
and become part of a global educational community
built on South Korean traditions of quality and innovation.

2025/26 AUT Admission

Why should you choose AJOU for your university?

Sifatli xalqaro ta’lim

Toshkent shahridagi Adju Universiteti Janubiy Koreya va boshqa mamlakatlarning taniqli professorlari va soha mutaxassislari tomonidan tayyorlangan sifatli xalqaro ta’lim dasturlarini taqdim etadi. Bugun biz dunyo darajasida tan olinadigan sifatli ta’limni bevosita Toshkent shahrida taklif etamiz.

Ko‘pdaromadli kasblarga yetaklovchi istiqbolli mutaxassisliklar

Biz mehnat bozorining talablariga javob beradigan, muvaffaqiyatli va omadli kasblar tayyorlaydigan ko‘plab mutaxassisliklarni taklif etamiz.

Imkoniyatlar eshigi

Universitetimiz talabalar kasbiy rivojlanish yoki shaxsiy o‘sish bo‘ladimi, umuman o‘z oldiga qo‘ygan maqsadlariga erishish uchun zarur bo‘lgan barcha resurslar bilan ko‘maklashadi. Sizning muvaffaqiyatingiz bizning eng muhim maqsadimizdir.

Xalqaro tajriba – Koreya va xorijiy davlatlar

Talabalar global muhitda o‘z imkoniyatlarini sinash, shuningdek xalqaro tajriba orttirish uchun almashuv va amaliyot dasturlari orqali chet ellarga borish imkoniyatiga ega.

Kelajakka ishonch bilan yo‘naltirilgan ta’lim

Bizning ta’lim dasturlarimiz zamonaviy tendensiyalar va texnologiyalar asosida ishlab chiqilgan bo‘lib, bitiruvchilarimizni raqobatbardosh bo‘lishiga va kelajakka ishonch bilan qarashini ta’minlaydi

Koreya ta’lim dasturi: intizom, innovatsiyalar va talabalar muvaffaqiyatini qo‘llab-quvvatlash

Ta’lim dasturlarimiz koreys intizomi, ilg‘or texnologiyalar va talabalarni doimiy qo‘llab-quvvatlashni o‘zida mujassam etgan bo‘lib, talabalarining o‘qishi va rivojlanishiga ko‘maklashadi

Faol talabalar hayoti

Universitetimizda ko‘plab tadbirlar o‘tkazilishi, turli xil to‘garaklar va sport klublari faoliyat yuritishi, jo‘shqin va faol talabalar muhitini yaratadi.

Zamonaviy kampus

Universitet zamonaviy o‘quv binolari, laboratoriyalar va texnik vositalar bilan jihozlangan bo‘lib, o‘quv va tadqiqotlar uchun qulay sharoitlarni ta’minlaydi.

Maqbul to‘lov va grantlar

Universitetimizda o‘qish uchun to‘lov juda qimmat emas, balki sifatli ta’lim uchun boshqa universitetlarga nisbatan raqobatbardosh qiymatga ega. Biz maqbul to‘lov shartlari va turli grantlarni taklif etib, yoshlar o‘rtasida oliy ta’limning qamrov darajasini oshirish uchun qulayliklar yaratamiz.

Ingliz muhitida o‘qitish va o‘rganish

Adjuda barcha fanlar ingliz tilida o‘qitiladi. Bu esa talabalar chet tili ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish va globallashgan dunyoga moslashish imkonini beradi. Talabalarimiz xalqaro muhitda kelajak iqtidorlari bo‘lishini ko‘zlagan holda, biz o‘quv jarayonlarini global dunyoda muloqotning umumiy til platformasi bo‘lgan ingliz tilida olib boramiz. Ingliz tilida o‘qishga unchalik tayyor bo‘lmaganlar uchun biz birinchi yil davomida ingliz tilini intensiv o‘qitish dasturini taqdim etamiz.

Structure of Academic Units

Department of Architecture

In Ajou’s Architecture Department, dreams of the future are turned into projects, creating spaces that inspire and serve people. Bring your creativity and passion to Ajou. We will train you to turn your imagination into real projects.

Department of Interior Design

We turn empty spaces into stories where every corner speaks of comfort, beauty, individuality, functionality, and sustainability. We will train you to be the masterminds behind our living and working spaces and environments.

Department of Civil Systems Engineering

Someone, an engineer, behind all the important projects of building the infrastructure foundation for the future – from roads to bridges, traffic management systems to airports, and from houses to cities. This is where the strength of our modern civilization begins, and we will teach you how to turn your imagination into a real physical infrastructure that shapes our living.

Department of Software

Software and digital codes are the languages of our digital civilization into the future. In Software Department, you learn to speak the languages of digital coding fluently and create technologies that change the world. We will educate and train you to be the planner, designer, developer, and programmer of software, the backbone of our digital civilization.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Digital technology is the language of progress and the basis of important things of our time. You will learn to create, develop, and manage the digital technology to shape the future.

Department of Business Administration

Here, you will learn everything it takes for you to be a successful person in business. If you aspire to have a prosperous career in the business world, as an executive in a large corporation, or as a successful businessman, you need to have this education. We provide an all-encompassing breadth of education in business. Marketing, finances, accounting, operations, HR, IT, strategies, innovations, and leadership are the subjects of business learning at Ajou.

Department of IT Business

Modern business thrives in a digital world. In IT Business department at Ajou, you will learn both IT and Business. We provide education to enable you to combine technical knowledge of IT with a business approach to implement and manage successful projects in the business environment. We provide the education to help you be the leader in the digital transformation of businesses and organizations.

Department of English Philology and Management

Words open doors to understanding cultures and managing the world, especially English which is the de facto common language of the world. At Ajou, you will master the art of language and leadership at the same time. Especially, what sets language education at Ajou apart is that we emphasize combining language skills with business and management skills, which will equip you better for quality employment.

Department of Korean Philology and Management

Words open doors to understanding cultures and managing the world. At Ajou, you will master the art of language and leadership at the same time. Especially, what sets language education at Ajou apart is that we emphasize combining language skills with business and management skills, which will equip you better for quality employment. Studying the Korean language and culture is the key to opening and grasping many opportunities that you will find either in Korea or here. The Korean language education program at Ajou provides the best learning environment for you with Korean professors and Korean-style systematic support for your success. We cherish the balance of word and deed, tradition and innovation.


2025/26 AUT Admission

Admission Criteria and Entrance Exams

Common Criteria for all applicants:

Graduates of secondary educational institutions.

International Applicants:

Possession of a foreign passport.

Local Applicants

  • Type of Exam: Written test
  • Language of Exam: English
  • Exam Subjects: Mathematics or English

International Admission:


Subject: Math

  • Civil Systems Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Software

Subject: English

  • Architecture
  • Interior design
  • Business Administration
  • IT Business
  • English Philology & Management
  • Korean Philology & Management

Without Exams

Special Admission

AUT ‘Engineer of the Future‘ Olympiad Awardees

The Presidential, Creativity and Specialized Schools Graduates

Winners of republican and international Olympiads in exact sciences.

Score-holders of International Qualification Tests

Graduates of partner secondary educational institutions recommended by the director for admission on a preferential basis.

We understand how important it is to feel comfortable
not only in your studies
but also when it comes to tuition payments.
That’s why Ajou University in Tashkent offers
a highly convenient and flexible payment system
tailored to your financial capabilities!

Tuition Fee

32 500 000 / UZS
$ 2 500 / International

  • Architecture
  • Software Engineering
  • Civil Systems Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering

Tuition Fee

26 000 000 / UZS
$ 2 000 / International

  • IT Business
  • Interior Design
  • Business Administration
  • Korean Philology and Management
  • English Philology and Management


We offer world-class educational programs.
The professors of Ajou are recognized experts from South Korea and other countries.
Professionals learn from professionals — that’s what Ajou is all about!

Prof. Oh Seok Kyu

Doctor of Philosophy – Dean of Department of Architecture and Department of Interior Design

Prof. Yung Seok Shin

Doctor of Philosophy – Dean of Department of Civil Systems Engineering

Min Young Hun

Dean, Department of IT Business

Prof. Park Sang Woo

Doctor of Philosophy – Dean, Department of Korean philology & Management and Department of English philology & Management


Toshkent shahridagi Adju universitetida erkin kiyim formasi.

Toshkent shahridagi Adju universitetida haftalik, oylik, choraklik va yillik to‘lovlarni nazarda tutuvchi maqbul to‘lov tizimi mavjud. Bundan tashqari, to‘lovning ko‘plab shakllari, jumladan Payme ilovasi orqali to‘lash imkoniyati bor.

Toshkent shahridagi Adju universiteti O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 4041-sonli qaroriga asosan 2018-yilda tashkil etilgan va 2020-yilda o‘z faoliyatini boshlagan.

O‘rta maktab va akademik litsey bitiruvchilari ta’lim muassasasini tugatmasdan turib, Universitetga kirish imtihonlarini topshirish orqali o‘z bilimlarini sinab ko‘rish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladilar.

Toshkent shahridagi Adju universitetida bitiruvchilarni 100% ish bilan ta’minlash. Universitet ko‘plab mahalliy va xalqaro nufuzli kompaniyalar bituruvchi talabalarni ishga joylashtirish maqsadida memorandumlar imzolagan.

Toshkent shahridagi Adju universitetida yotoqxona mavjud. Universitet talabalari kampusdagi turar joy bilan to‘liq ta’minlanadi.

Toshkent shahridagi Adju universitetiga o‘qishga kirishda o‘tish ballari Koreya Respublikasida hisobga olinadi va javob "kirdi/kirmadi" formatida keladi.

Toshkent shahridagi Adju universiteti Koreyaning Adju universiteti (Janubiy Koreya, Suvon shahri) qoshidagi xalqaro universitet hisoblanadi.


Get in touch with us

Republic of Uzbekistan , Tashkent city, Yashnabad district, Asalobod street, 113 and 113A, 100204.

+998 71 208-69-69
+998 71 208-65-25
+998 71 208-65-27
+998 71 208-65-66

Monday - Friday
09:00 - 18:00